These resources were written by Derek Smith with the support of CASIO New Zealand. They may be freely distributed but remains the intellectual property of the author and CASIO.

Finite and infinite series

Area Animations

Binomial Distribution 2

Binomial Distribution 1

Simultaneous Equations

Complex numbers

Drag and Drop between applications

Rearrange equations

Algebra Assistant.

Series for finding Pi.

Mobile geometrical art.

Features Of The Classpad.

What is the area of the largest rectangle.


Sequences and Series.


Worksheet for the Classpad :Solving Linear Equalities And Inequalities.

Getting The Ladder Around The Corner.

Renaming Constructions And Using Altering Text

Compound and double angle formulas

The five platonic solids

What is all this fuss about pi

Star polygons

What's another way to make 18?

Why do areas equal each other?

The Euler Line


Differential equations

Geometrical construction and loci

Basic Data Collection

Geometrical Construction

Algebra Art!


This resource was written by Derek Smith with the support of CASIO New Zealand. It may be freely distributed but remains the intellectual property of the author and CASIO.


CAS-T1-2009-1Enter into the Geometry icon

from the MENU.



 Set up the View Window to those shown in the screen snaps below.  



Make sure that you have the Integer Grid on by tapping in the box so that a √ is entered in the box. CAS-T1-2009-3


If you have the axes on, as illustrated below, then note where the origin (0,0) is and then turn the axes off.



Select the line segment tool.


Create a square starting at (0,0) and then progressing to (3,0) → (3,3) → (0,3) returning to (0,0).


See the screen snap to the right illustrating the square ƒXABCD. CAS-T1-2009-6


Tap on Menu at the bottom of the screen and then split the screen by tapping

on the arrow here and selecting the geometry Icon. CAS-T1-2009-7


In the Geometry Window tap the stylus on each of the points labelled A, B, C, D and then keeping the stylus on the geometry screen drag it to the left side of the working box in the Main window. [Note: You will see a rectangle form as you drag these points up.] Then take the stylus off the screen. A matrix illustrating these four points will appear. See the screen snap on the right.

Clear the screen in the Geometry window by selecting Edit and then Clear All. CAS-T1-2009-9

Now change the matrix

     0   3   3   0               0   2   2   0

     0   0   3   3     to       0   2   2   0    by editing this in the Main window. See the screen snaps below.


Now, drag over the matrix to highlight it and then drag it into the Geometry window.



[Remember to:  Clear the screen after each drawing and matrix.]


Practice A:

Try to create the following and viewing their matrix.



Practice B:

Creating a matrix in the ¡¥Main¡¦Icon.

Bring up the Keyboard and select 2D tap on the double arrow at the bottom to bring up the keyboard screen illustrated in the next screen snap.



To select a matrix, these are a combination of these two tools. Have a practice with these two tools to see how you can create the required matrices.



In the example shown

6 × of  CAS-T1-2009-15

1 × of  


Try to create the following matrices and viewing their picture.



Have fun!


For further tips, more helpful information and software support visit our website



Generating a sequence on the Classpad 300.


This resource was written by Derek Smith with the support of CASIO New Zealand. It may be freely distributed but remains the intellectual property of the author and CASIO.


A sequence is an ordered list of objects (or events), it contains members (also called elements or terms), and the number of terms (possibly infinite) is called the length of the sequence.

A sequence may be denoted <a1, a2, a3, a4 ...>. The notation <an> is usually used.

In the Main icon, CAS-T4-2008-1  tap with the stylus on the Action ¡¥drop-down¡¦ menu then List-Create and then seq.



Example: You want to create the first 10 members of the sequence <x2>.

Enter after seq( the following: x^2,x,1,10,1) When you press [EXE] the list will appear in set brackets, i.e.{}. See the screen snaps below. Use the ¡¥Right Arrow¡¦ to view terms that are ¡¥off the screen¡¦.




  1. Create the first 10 members of the sequence <x2+2>.
  2. Create the first 5 members of the sequence <x-2>.
  3. Create the first 5 members of the sequence <3-r>.
  4. Create the 10th to the 20th members of the sequence <2p+4>.
  5. Create the first 8 members of the sequence <3x2+2/x>.
  6. Create the 100th to the 105th members of the sequence <(3k+1)/k>.



For further tips, more helpful information and software support visit our website


Using ¡¥Verify¡¦ on the Classpad 300.


This resource was written by Derek Smith with the support of CASIO New Zealand. It may be freely distributed but remains the intellectual property of the author and CASIO.


Checking to see that, your algebraic working or numerical calculations are correct using Verify.

From the MENU tap with the stylus on eActivity, then on the Action ¡¥drop-down¡¦ menu then Verify [at the bottom of this list].




To see what happens, type in 45 and then 9×5 in the next box and press [EXE]. You will view (very briefly a smiley face, J.

Make a deliberate mistake on the next line and see what happens.



Try some factorising and change the R to C.





For further tips, more helpful information and software support visit our website




Basic Algebra


Drag and drop


Question on orthocentre with CAS


The length of chords in a unit circle


Algebraic manipulation









Geometry- angle biscetors and the incircle


Geometry- line biscetors and the circumcircle


Geometry and Picks Rule


Loading Downloaded eActivities




Palindromic Numbers


Rolling a dice or two


Setting CAS up and rearing to go


Simultaneous equations 


The power of the CAS - planning your attack


Using the 2D keyboard



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