These resources were written by Derek Smith with the support of CASIO New Zealand. They may be freely distributed but remains the intellectual property of the author and CASIO.
Updating the Operating Sysyem on the FX9860Giii
Resetting the memories of the FX9860Giii
Curve fitting for linear or polynomial or logarithm or exponential on the FX9860Giii
Numerical Iterations on the FX9860Giii
Equation Calculations - FX9860Giii
Graphing two equations and finding the intersection points
Transferring Files between the FX9750Gii and a laptop or PC
Exploring the limits of functions
Dynamic Graphing
Primes And Programming
Peano Axioms
Integration and Differentiation using Solver
Converting between Polar-Rectangular form
Calculus - The use of the derivative
Natural Numbers. Square Numbers And Pythagorean Triples
Inverse Normal Distribution with and without
Creating pictures using piecewise graphs
Using the logab( Feature
Restricted domains of graphs
Matching functions with their first and second derivatives
Worksheet for the FX82AU+II - The use of Pol( and Rec(
Worksheet for the FX9750GII - Using basic programming for illustrating formula substitution
Random Walk Art
Dynamic Functions And Graphs
Some Basic Algebra
Linear Programming
FA-124USB cable between PC and FX9750GII
Graphing families
LCM and GCD in RUN-MAT mode
Arithmetic Sequences and Simultaneous Equations
Turning triangles into a square
How can I do this on the graphic calculator?
Tangents and Normals on the FX9750Gii
Spotting the patterns!
This resource was written by Derek Smith with the support of CASIO New Zealand. It may be freely distributed but remains the intellectual property of the author and CASIO.
Select GRAPH icon (press 5) from the
main menu or by using the arrow keys to
highlight and then press EXE. ![GC-T1-2009-1](images/GC-T1-2009-1.JPG?571)
Turning a 2-D image into 3-D will have an awesome effect in enhancing the learning and understanding of graphing, along with the students having fun making them!
Once entered in the Graph icon, go into SETUP [SHIFT] [MENU]. Here you can alter a range of settings for the calculator, we want the Grid ON. Scroll down to Grid being highlighted and then press [F1] then EXIT to return to the graph entry screen.
Enter the function y = x2 into the Y1 space then press [EXE] to store this. ![GC-T1-2009-3](images/GC-T1-2009-3.JPG?571)
Set up the V-Window: [SHIFT] [F3] to the settings illustrated in the
screensnap on the right. Then [EXIT] and [F6] to draw the graph. ![GC-T1-2009-4](images/GC-T1-2009-4.JPG?571)
Enter in the Table icon from the MAIN MENU. ![GC-T1-2009-6](images/GC-T1-2009-6.JPG?571)
Go into [RANG]e, [F5] and set up the domain (x) values as shown in } } ą× . č} } @ } n on the right.